BebeTots Nursery & Preschool Providing quality childcare
BebeTots Nursery & PreSchool is conveniently located onthe A350 in Westbury, Wiltshire.
With ample of onsite parking.
BebeTots Nursery & PreSchool is conveniently located onthe A350 in Westbury, Wiltshire.
With ample of onsite parking.
Welcome to BebeTots Nursery. We aim to provide a high standard of care for you and your child by providing a nurturing environment that meets the intellectual, social, behavioural, and emotional needs of each and every child.
When your child joins our preschool room, we support their development, preparing them for their next transition, going to school.
Find out more about our fees here.
The term after your child turns three, we offer the government universal funded childcare (15 hrs).
Qualifying children also have access to the government extended entitlement funded childcare (30 hrs).
Tax free childcare & government childcare vouchers also accepted.
We offer a safe and fun environment for children from 3 months to 4 years in our nursery, allowing children to play and develop, with a wide range of activities and resources available for all ages.
Find out more about our different play rooms here!